Annette Benning Age

Annette Benning Age

How old is annette bening? Top questions and answers about annette bening.

Actress who received academy award nominations for her roles in the films the grifters, american beauty, being julia and the kids are all right. Annettes age is 65. She has blue eyes and brown hair, is 5ft 6ins (1. 69m) tall and weighs around 135lbs (62kgs). Annettes net worths been estimated at over $70 million, as of. Annette bening was born on in topeka, kansas, the youngest of four children.

Annettes net worths been estimated at over $70 million, as of. Annette bening was born on in topeka, kansas, the youngest of four children. Her family moved to california when.

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Annette Bening