Cad Lackey

Cad Lackey

Simon bar sinister is a mad scientist. He has an assistant named cad lackey.

Cad lackey is the secondary antagonist of the 2007 disney live action film underdog. Simon bar sinisters henchman. Contrary to the mad scientist stereotype, simon. Cad lackey is simon bar sinister's henchman. Who is not very smart at all.

Cad lackey is simon bar sinister's henchman. Who is not very smart at all. Riff raff is an anthropomorphic dog who is another villain in the series. He is the head of an. Simon bar sinister, voiced by the late allen swift, is a mad scientist with a voice reminiscent of lionel barrymore. He is the wickedest man in the world and has an assistant named cad lackey.

He is the head of an. Simon bar sinister, voiced by the late allen swift, is a mad scientist with a voice reminiscent of lionel barrymore. He is the wickedest man in the world and has an assistant named cad lackey.

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