National throw short people day began as a whimsical internet meme, gaining traction through social media. The idea behind the day was to create a humorous celebration. This is the day when you throw everyone that is almost short according to national throw short people day standards. Anyone who is 5'8 and below can be thrown without their. On may 15th its national throw your shortest friend day!
Anyone who is 5'8 and below can be thrown without their. On may 15th its national throw your shortest friend day! Get the national throw your shortest friend day mug. On october 21, you can, without permission throw anyone who is 5 5 or shorter with no repercussions. Get the national throw short people day mug.
On october 21, you can, without permission throw anyone who is 5 5 or shorter with no repercussions. Get the national throw short people day mug.