Kim Fauria Age

Kim Fauria Age

What information about kimberly are you looking for? Kimberly fauria 's birthday is 08/11/1977 and is 47 years old.

In the past kimberly has. Christian fauria was born on (age 52) in california, united states. He is a celebrity football player. Fauria identifies as multiracial a mix of white, black, native american, italian, and irish. How old is christian fauria?

Fauria identifies as multiracial a mix of white, black, native american, italian, and irish. How old is christian fauria? 50 years () who is christian fauria. Kim fauria was born in boston and raised in canton, ma. She attended framingham state university and mass college of art and design and received a degree in merchandising and. Christian fauria was born on (age 52) in california, united states. He is a celebrity football player.

Kim fauria was born in boston and raised in canton, ma. She attended framingham state university and mass college of art and design and received a degree in merchandising and. Christian fauria was born on (age 52) in california, united states. He is a celebrity football player.

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